Our History
In 2008, as international attention turned to China before the Beijing Olympics, Tibetans rose up in protest across Tibet. Their actions triggered massive solidarity protests around the globe. As Tibetans in Tibet embraced strategic tactics of self-reliance and noncooperation on a scale never seen before, a new chapter of Tibetan resistance was born.
Tibet Action Institute was formed in 2009 to support this changing resistance landscape by providing intensive training on lessons of strategic nonviolent action drawn from other successful human rights and democracy movements around the globe. At the same time, Tibet Action became the first Tibet-focused civil society organization to launch education and training programs aimed at helping Tibetans in and outside of Tibet capitalize on new information and communication technologies and defend against relentless cyber attacks and surveillance from China.

Our Mission
Tibet Action Institute combines the power of digital communication with strategic nonviolent action to advance the Tibetan freedom movement. We bring together expert campaigners, strategists, and technologists to develop and implement visionary strategies and innovative training, education, and technology programs, equipping Tibetans with the tools and knowledge to achieve human rights and freedom in Tibet.
Our Strategy
By training and educating Tibetans everywhere in the art and methods of nonviolent resistance and safe and effective use of new information and communication technologies, we build a movement that is equipped to successfully wage the strategic civil resistance campaigns that will bring positive change to Tibet.