Video Samples for Avaaz

Hukou & Protecting Land Rights (Tibetan):

In many nomadic and rural areas of Tibet, Tibetans are coming under increasing pressure from local officials to change their hukou or household registration status, an adjustment that gravely impacts their ability to maintain control over ancestral lands. This video explains the process and presents strategies for how to better preserve land rights. This is our most popular video to date with 12,000 unique views.

Fighting the Erasure of Tibetan Language in Schools (Tibetan):

Earlier this year, the state-run prefectural level government in an area called Golog (officially: Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) announced plans to switch all elementary and middle schools from Tibetan-language to Mandarin-language instruction, starting this fall. This policy change essentially amounts to a death sentence for Tibetan language preservation in the area, with Tibetans fearing the policy will likely be extended to neighboring areas. A similar change was attempted for the entire Amdo region (which includes Golog) in 2010 but was delayed following mass student protests. This video highlights the strategy and tactics that worked at that time, including compelling cell phone footage of the 2010 protests as well as an overview of which laws officials are violating in their resurgent attempt to bring this destructive policy into effect.  

Stopping the Dam at Tiger Leaping Gorge (English):

This video presents a synopsis of the successful grassroots campaign led by a Nakhi community in Yunnan Province (a border region with Tibet) to successfully halt an illegal dam that would displace 100,000+ local people, flood 32,947 acres of farmland, and threaten 200 species of wildlife. This campaign carries applicable lessons for many Tibetans fighting to protect their land from similar major development projects that adversely impact local people and the environment. 
