Embracing Wisdom & Adaptability in the New Year
Dear Friends,
Losar Tashi Delek. As we welcome the Year of the Wood Snake, Tibetan year 2152, I join the Tibet Action team in sending you and your loved ones heartfelt wishes for joy, strength, and resilience.
Losar is a time of renewal – an occassion to reflect, celebrate, and connect with family, friends and community. In Tibetan astrology, the Wood Snake symbolizes wisdom and adaptability – qualities we will all need in this time of global political upheaval and uncertainty.
No matter the challenges we face, we draw inspiration from Tibetans inside Tibet, whose unbroken courage and determination continue to light our way. This year in particular, we remember those who lost their lives in the devastating earthquake in Dingri last month.
In the days before Losar, Tibetans prepare by cleaning our homes and setting up an altar with offerings of incense, barley, sweet rice, flowers and fruit. We also make “guthuk” (pasta soup) and turn the leftover dough into little effigies which are ceremonially discarded to symbolize the casting off of any misfortune. In this way we let go of negativities and start the year afresh. This tradition carries deep meaning that goes beyond personal renewal. The ritual of letting go and starting fresh applies to our movement for Tibet – we must clear away obstacles and recommit ourselves to our cause.
Looking back on the past year, and especially the challenges of recent days, I find myself drawing strength from His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s wisdom about navigating difficult times: hope and strength can be found through acts of compassion. In the face of adversity, we find courage by looking beyond our own suffering and seeking to help others however we can.
For us at Tibet Action, this means staying steadfast in our mission to support Tibetans inside Tibet in their fight for fundamental rights and freedom. By doing this, and by keeping faith in what is possible, we continue to build the momentum necessary to bring about change.
As we enter the Year of the Wood Snake, may we all remember that true resilience comes from accepting uncertainty and using it as an opportunity for growth.
May this new year bring us closer to a future where Tibetans in Tibet can celebrate Losar in freedom, with dignity and hope.
With warmest wishes,
Lhadon Tethong,
Director and Co-founder
P.S. If you’d like to support our work in the year ahead, please consider making a donation here: https://tibetaction.net/support/ Every contribution helps. Thank you!
P.P.S. Read more about Losar traditions here
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