Item 4 General Debate Right of Reply to the People’s Republic of China As delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative Kelly...
Tibet Action Institute in the News

New York Times Op-ed: The One Million Tibetan Children in China’s Boarding Schools
By Gyal Lo Dr. Lo is an educational sociologist and a Tibetan activist based in Canada. Original link: One day...

UN envoys tour Tibet on China-organised trip amid rights scrutiny
Original link: GENEVA/BEIJING, Sept 1 (Reuters) – A group of U.N. ambassadors are touring Tibet on a trip arranged...

Announcement of Visa Restrictions to Address Forced Assimilation in Tibet
Original Link: The State Department is taking steps to impose visa restrictions under the authority of Section 212(a)(3)(C) of...

U.S. to Sanction Chinese Officials for Forcible Assimilation of Tibetans; State Department says Chinese boarding-school program deprives young Tibetans of their culture
Photo: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images Original link: The U.S. State Department on Tuesday said it was taking action to punish...

HRC52 – Item 4: General Debate on Human Rights Situations that require the Council’s attention
UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 52nd Session (27 February to 4 April 2023) Item 4 Statement by H.E. Ms Anna JARDFELT...

MPs urge Canada to sanction officials responsible for Chinese-run residential schools in Tibet
Original article: A parliamentary committee is calling on Ottawa to sanction officials responsible for China-run residential boarding schools in...

Joint Letter to US Secretary of State on His Visit to China
Dear Secretary Blinken, We write on behalf of 42 nongovernmental organizations that report on and advocate for human rights...

UN women’s rights body calls on China to abolish coercive residential schools in Tibet and provide Tibetan women and girls with access to Tibetan language education
30 May 2023 [Geneva] On 30 May, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) [1] raised...