Lhadon Tethong Receives Snow Lion Human Rights Prize
In a poignant ceremony in Berlin on March 16, 2024, International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) presented the “Snow Lion Human Rights Prize” for the second time. This year’s recipients were Tibet Action Institute Director, Lhadon Tethong, alongside the team at the organization Freedom for Hong Kong.
Lhadon Tethong was recognized for her work with Tibetan education expert Dr Gyal Lo exposing the mass system of colonial boarding schools in Tibet that has separated more than a million Tibetan children from their parents. Lhadon Tethong dedicated the award to her colleagues and fellow campaigners who were waiting to be able to return to Tibet one day. She also spoke movingly of her father, who had passed away four days earlier, who had been born in a free Tibet.
The Snow Lion Human Rights Prize is awarded to individuals and organizations demonstrating exemplary commitment to the realization of human rights in Tibet, China, East Turkestan, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong or Taiwan or that promote the preservation of their threatened cultures.

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