Category: Digital Security

Don’t Wait, Update!
March 1, 2016November 22, 2017

Don’t Wait, Update!

Updating your computer software is the easiest way to block online attacks. Everyone has received notices on their computers saying “Software Update Available: Update Now or Remind Me Later”. Choosing “Update Now” is simple and powerful way to stay safer online.

January 26, 2015November 22, 2017

Tibet: Frontline of the New Cyberwar

བོད་ཡིག ‘Tibet: Frontline of the New Cyberwar’ tells the story of Tibetans’ epic struggle to stay connected and advance their struggle for rights and freedom while defending themselves against targeted cyber attacks from China. The film looks at the many ways technology has revolutionized life for Tibetans, including the risks taken by those who dare...

February 9, 2012February 9, 2012

Nathan & Guardian on CHOMP.FM

Listen to Nathan’s interview on the latest episode of Nadim Kobeissi’s CHOMP.FM – a weekly broadcast on information freedom, internet privacy and cyberculture. Listen and download the mp3.

April 10, 2010April 10, 2010

Action Update – April 10, 2010

Nathan talks about virtuous action and how it relates to the work of the Tibet Action Institute. Download the mp3 Make sure to check out the PBS Frontline: Digital Nation Roundtable that Nathan is participating in this coming week at
