Category: Press

Closure of Prominent School in Rural Tibet Undermines China’s Justification for Boarding Schools Holding 1 Million Children
July 20, 2024July 22, 2024

Closure of Prominent School in Rural Tibet Undermines China’s Justification for Boarding Schools Holding 1 Million Children

For Immediate Release July 20, 2024 Boston – Chinese authorities forced the closure of Gangjong Sherig Norbu Lobling [1], a renowned Tibetan-run private school [2] located in one of Tibet’s most sparsely populated regions. The move starkly contradicts China’s chief justification that the controversial boarding school system, holding at least one million Tibetan children, is...

The Economist: Why China takes young Tibetans from their families
June 13, 2024June 17, 2024

The Economist: Why China takes young Tibetans from their families

. Visiting a Tibetan region where children must attend Chinese-language boarding schools Illustration: Chloe Cushman June 13, 2024 Original Article from the Economist: An air of quiet piety hangs over Rongwo Monastery in the western province of Qinghai. The streets near this ancient complex draw pilgrims and Tibetan Buddhist monks in dark red robes....
